1 If you are showing any COVID-19 symptoms however mild (continuous cough or high temperature) you should stay home
2 Please use hand sanitiser made available to you as you enter the shop
3 Please attend your haircut alone if possible
4 If you are accompanied by children, you will be responsible for their supervision at all times and adhering to social distancing guidelines
5 There will be a limit of three customers allowed in the waiting room at any one time
6 As per the UK.GOV guidelines we are requested to obtain and keep records of our clients for 21 days and help NHS Test and Trace requests for that data if needed
7 Please refrain from using your mobile phone inside the shop
8 If you wish to queue outside, please adhere to social distancing guidelines and do not crowd the shop entrance
9 Staff have the right to refuse service if they feel you are showing any COVID-19 symptoms (you could be asked to have your temperature checked)
10 Abusive behaviour towards staff and other clients will not be tolerated